What information do I need to provide with baggage and personal effects claim?

The benefit for baggage and personal effects is applied when your baggage or property was lost, stolen, or damaged during your covered trip. Please send us these items:

  1. Proof of loss, with the date, time, and cause, and a complete list of damaged/ lost items.
  2. If you filed a claim with your common carrier (airline, cruise line, etc.), please send a copy of that claim along with their final response to your request with them. If they paid you a dollar amount, provide proof of that. If they did not pay you anything, please provide evidence of that as well.
  3. Proof of ownership for items you are claiming. E.g., purchase receipt. In case of loss, theft, damage or delay of baggage or personal effects, you must:
    • take all reasonable steps to protect, save, or recover the property
    • promptly notify, in writing, either the police, hotel proprietors, ship lines, airlines, railroad, bus, airport or other station authorities, tour operators or group leaders, or any Common Carrier or bailee who has custody of your property at the time of loss
    • produce records needed to verify the claim and its amount, and permit copies to be made
    • send proof of loss as soon as reasonably possible after the date of loss
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